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100% Pure East Cape Manuka Oil by Clean & Green Trading Co. - 1/3oz.
- Price: 15.95

100% Pure East Cape Manuka Oil by Clean & Green Trading Co. - 1/3oz.
- Price: 15.95

Manuka (Leptospermum Scoparium) is a native tree of New Zealand traditionally used by New Zealand's Maori people and early European Settlers for its healing properties. Manuka has been used to treat a range of skin problems including chronic sores, ringworm and eczema. The young chutes of Manuka were chewed and swallowed for dysentery, and boiled to use for rheumatism, sore and stiff backs, sprains and abrasions. A decoction of leaves was drunk for urinary complaints and to reduce fever. Benefits Although the Manuka tree had attracted scientific interest in the past, little had been found of real importance - until some Manuka oil samples tested by Dr. Cooke of the Cawthron Institute - showed some remarkable results.The Cawthron Institute research, conducted on behalf of the Company, showed that the oil produced from the Manuka trees, in the Te Araroa region of the East Cape, showed antimicrobial activity far greater than had been seen with other Manuka oil samples and greater than many other natural oils. Applications Mild Sunburn - Apply cold water to remove heat and gently rub Manuka Cream into affected areas to help relieve stinging and later itching. Oily Skin and Pimples - Wash daily with Manuka Soap. Apply Pure Manuka Oil as a spot treatment for problem areas. Fungal infections & Nail Bed Infections - Apply a few drops of Pure Manuka Oil with a cotton ball, twice daily. Continue to apply for 5 days after visible signs of infection have gone. Skin Irritation, Chafing and Rashes - Wash regularly with Manuka Soap and apply Manuka Cream twice daily as required. Itching Scalp and Dandruff - Add 10 drops of Pure Manuka Oil to a normal amount of shampoo and massage into wet hair and scalp. Leave for five minutes before rinsing. Foot and Body Odor - Wash daily with Manuka Soap. For foot odor, rub Mild Manuka Oil or Manuka Cream into feet 3 times per week. Also protects against fungal infection. Cuts, Scratches and Abrasions - Apply Pure Manuka Oil. Insect Bites and Stings - Apply Mild Manuka Oil or Manuka Cream to help relieve itching and inflammation and prevent infection. Athletes Foot - Apply a few drops of Pure Manuka Oil with a cotton ball, twice daily. Continue to apply for 5 days after visible signs of infection have gone. Aching Muscles and Joints - Massage Mild Manuka Oil into tired and aching muscles and joints. Aromatherapy Manuka Oil is rapidly gaining popularity in the field of Aromatherapy. Some aromatherapists believe that although the effectiveness of Manuka Oil as a bactericide and fungicide is dramatic - Manuka Oil has another side to it. A leading German Aromatherapist- Ruth von Braunschweig reports on the sensual, "feel good" side of Manuka Oil, stating it to be beneficial for people with over sensitive nervous systems and those who suffer from stress and anxiety - conditions that often manifest themselves in allergic reactions. She states that "Manuka Oil" is also very effective for many skin problems.It strengthens the psyche
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