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Alfalfa Leaf by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.29

Alfalfa Leaf by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.29

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is known to be cultivated for over 2000 years. However, unlike most legumes, where only the seed is consumed, the entire Alfalfa plant (leaves, sprouts, and seeds) is eaten by man. The Arabs, centuries ago, used Alfalfa as feed for their horses and claimed it made the animals swift and strong. When they tried the herb themselves they became so convinced of its benefits to their health and strength that they named the plant ?Al-Fac-Facah?, meaning ?Father of All Foods?. The Spanish later changed the name to Alfalfa. The roots of the Alfalfa plant burrow deep into the earth to reach minerals that are inaccessible to most other plants. Alfalfa naturally contains a variety of nutrients and enzymes.
Bilberry by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.39

Bilberry by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.39

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan A small branched shrub found mainly in moors, humus-rich soil and open woods from lowland mountains, Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) bears small blue-black, many-seeded berries. Also commonly known as whortleberry, Bilberry has been a source of fresh jam for hundreds of years. Extensively written about in 16th century herbals, this plant is native to northern Europe and Asia; with its nearest American counterpart being the huckleberry. During World War II, Royal Air Force pilots swore that eating Bilberry jam prior to night missions significantly improved their visual acuity in the darkness.
Blueberry Leaf by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.69

Blueberry Leaf by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.69

Caffeine Free. English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated. No Strings, No Staples. Vegan. Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is native to North America and is now harvested throughout Europe. It bears large, smooth-skinned berries that turn a deep purple as they mature. Apart from their size and preferred sweet taste, the berries are distinguishable from other species of the same botanical family because of their colorless juice. Blueberry fruits grow in clusters and are available from July to September. They are often used in jam, juice, compote and are also suitable for fruit salads and pastry fillings. The leaves have historical use for their health benefits and are often enjoyed as a refreshing tea.
Burdock Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 4.99

Burdock Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 4.99

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Burdock (Arctium lappa) is native to Europe and Asia, and if allowed, can grow in almost any uncultivated space. It was used by India?s traditional Ayurvedics and by the early Chinese for its very valuable health properties. In addition to its healthful effects, the stalks make a delicate vegetable, similar in flavor to asparagus when boiled, and a pleasant salad when eaten raw with vinegar. Burdock is greatly cherished in the Orient, especially in Japan, where it is known as ?Gobo?, and the root is used in everyday cooking. The name is a combination of bur, from the tenacious burrs, and dock, Old English referring to its large leaves. And, as its name suggests, it is a plant which bears seeds in big round bristly cones that stick to clothing and animal fur. Many modern-day herbalists continue to use Burdock for its health benefits.
Catnip by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Catnip by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan It would be hard to guess how long cats have known about Catnip (Nepeta cataria) but people have appreciated it for at least 2000 years. The plant was familiar to early Roman cooks and physicians and has long been part of people?s gardens and health repertoires. The plant was introduced to North America from Europe, where it quickly escaped from gardens and spread across the continent, to be used as native Indians and included in their inventory of useful plants. There is a good reason for its common name. The bruised foliage, whose odor has a strong mint-like aroma, stimulates cats and makes them ?full of life?. It is often enjoyed as a tea for its soothing, relaxing benefits.
Chamomile by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.25

Chamomile by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.25

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) has daisy-like flowers and a long and storied history as a gentle, soothing herb. In traditional German herbalism, Chamomile was so popular it was called alles zutraut, meaning ?capable of anything.? With its pleasing sweet apple aroma, it has always been one of the world?s favorite teas. In addition, its fragrance makes Chamomile a pleasant addition to potpourris and aromatic dried flower arrangements. Cosmetically, Chamomile makes a wonderfully soothing bath, a penetrating facial, and it can be used to bring golden highlights to brown hair.
Chinese Green Tea - Caffeine Free by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Chinese Green Tea - Caffeine Free by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan The Practice of drinking Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) was brought to Japan by monks returning from their studies at the Zen monasteries of 12th century China. For them, tea functioned as an aid to meditation, as a health aid, and as a tool to propagate Zen. As the years went by, tea and the reason for drinking it changed, but it never went out of fashion. Today, Green Tea is one of the three major non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Green Tea is a typical non-fermented tea that is enjoyed by many and is immensely popular in Japan. It is utilized as both a daily beverage and as a healthful drink. Green Tea contains a rich natural source of polyphenols and bioflavonoids. Recent studies have identified the valuable active constituents of Green Tea and continue to review its historical uses.
Chinese Green Tea - Decaffeinated Plain by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.99

Chinese Green Tea - Decaffeinated Plain by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.99

Decaffeinated English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan The practice of drinking Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) was brought to Japan by monks returning from their studies at the Zen monasteries of 12th century China. For them, tea functioned as an aid to meditation, as a health aid, and as a tool to propagate Zen. As the years went by, tea and the reason for drinking it changed, but it never went out of fashion. Today, Green Tea is one of the three major non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Green Tea is a typical non-fermented tea that is enjoyed by many and is immensely popular in Japan. It is utilized as both a daily beverage and as a healthful drink. Green Tea contains a rich natural source of polyphenols and bioflavonoids. Recent studies have identified the valuable active constituents of Green Tea and continue to review its historical uses.
Cranberry by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.49

Cranberry by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.49

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) were supposedly part of the first Thanksgiving in 1621, but did not become a national tradition until after until after the Civil War. A small evergreen shrub, which grows in mountain forests and damp bogs from Alaska to Tennessee, the Cranberry bush produces pink or purple flowers in spring and bright red berries in the fall. Cranberries make flavorful jams and preserves and are used in a variety of beverages. It was 19th-century German chemists who researched and defined many of Cranberry?s valuable health benefits.
Fennel Seed by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.06

Fennel Seed by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.06

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a native of Italy and one of the most ancient of cultivated plants. The Roman colonization of Italy spread the early use of the plant, especially for culinary purposes. Used as a flavoring for salt-water fish, it was also used to whiten, tenderize, and deodorize the meat. The odor of Fennel seed is fragrant and the taste is warm, sweet and agreeable. Similar in taste to Dill and Anise, Fennel may be substituted for them in recipes for interesting effects. The shoots and stalks can also be eaten raw like celery. In addition to Fennel?s culinary uses, it adds a sharp scent to potpourris, sachets, perfumes and soaps. Fennel is often used with other herbs for it soothing effects.
Fenugreek Seed by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.66

Fenugreek Seed by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.66

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is one of the oldest herbs known. Its seeds were highly praised for their beneficial uses in ancient Egypt and India and later among the Greeks and Romans. The seeds were also used to produce a yellow dye for coloring wool. As Fenugreek spread around the Mediterranean, ancient physicians learned that its seeds contained a great deal of mucilage and when mixed with water provided many health benefits. The most common uses of Fenugreek today are culinary, such as providing a maple flavor for confectioneries, an ingredient of curry powders, and as an enhancement for meats, poultry, and marinated vegetables.
Ginger Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Ginger Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a tropical perennial that grows from an aromatic, tuberous rhizome that is knotty shaped and buff colored. The name Ginger is derived from the Sanskrit ?gringa? or horn and ?vera? meaning body, in reference to the shape of the root. Ginger has a recorded history of use in China dating from the 4th century B.C. Used for hundreds of years as a spice for cooking, Ginger is also used for its soothing properties. Ginger is available fresh, dried ground, and in dried pieces. It can be added to beverages, fruits, salads, meats, poultry, and vegetables and is a favorite in stir-fry cooking. Combined with onions and garlic, it adds an agreeable warming flavor to any main entree.
Goldenseal Herb by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 11.42

Goldenseal Herb by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 11.42

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan No herb was more revered by American Indians than the versatile Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis). Once flourishing in the moist, rich woodlands of the Northeast, they called it ?yellow root? and used the brilliant gold juice extracted from its roots as an ornamental dye for their clothes and weapons, a paint for their faces, and for its health benefits. Early settlers adopted the use of Golden Seal and it quickly became a mainstay of American folk medicine. The name Golden Seal comes from the yellow scars left on the rhizome of the stem that bursts forth every spring; these scars look like the imprint of an old fashioned letter seal. Golden Seal is a very difficult and sensitive plant to grow and requires five years for roots to become mature.
Hawthorn Berries by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Hawthorn Berries by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is a small thorny tree or shrub that produces brilliant red clusters of berries. Native to the Mediterranean region, including North Africa and all of Europe and Central Asia, Hawthorn can now be found in many areas of North America. According to Christian legend, the Crown of Thorns was believed to be made of Hawthorn. Therefore, the herb was thought to possess miraculous health properties. In ancient Greece, Hawthorn was a symbol of hope and happiness, while in Rome it was considered a potent charm. Both ancient and modern herbalists have successfully used Hawthorn for its food and health benefits.
Hibiscus by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Hibiscus by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a shrubby, flowering tropical plant native to parts of North Africa and Southeast Asia. The deep red tea produced by hibiscus comes from the vibrant red flower buds that are harvested just prior to blossoming. Hibiscus leaves, seeds, flowers and calyces have all been used in folk traditions for their beneficial properties. The calyces in particular are often used in perfumes and sachets, as well as ingredients in jams and jellies. Perhaps the most well known use of the hibiscus?s flowers and ruby red calyces is to brew tea that is beautifully rich in color and refreshingly tart in taste.
Holy Basil by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.19

Holy Basil by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 8.19

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.), also known as Tulsi in Hindi, is steeped in tradition and is one of India?s most sacred herbs. This plant is found in or around most Hindi homes and temples throughout India. It is rumored to protect those who cultivate it from misfortune, and to spiritually purify and guide them toward heaven. In fact, it is such an important plant in the lives of the Hindi that it is cared for with reverence in daily ceremonial use. In addition to its reputation as a sacred herb, holy basil has a long history of use as a primary herb in Ayurveda. Its slightly spicy flavor ? with just a hint of clove ? has made it a popular ingredient in many culinary dishes.
Horsetail Grass by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Horsetail Grass by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.99

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is among the oldest of all plants, having dominated the plant world for 100 million years. In ancient times, it was a giant fernlike tree. The twenty species surviving today are miniature versions of their ancestors. Horsetail is known for its abrasive texture. In fact, Horsetail can be used to sand wood or scour and shine metal. This remarkable quality is due to its high silica content. Silica, a vital element of health, is found in all tissues and organs of the body, including the skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones, tendons and ligaments. Horsetail yields a deep green color when used for dying fabric. The cut stems also make an interesting addition to herb and flower arrangements.
Hyssop Herb by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 5.39

Hyssop Herb by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 5.39

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) has a history of use as a cleansing herb. The earliest reference to the plant dates back to the 7th century when it was used to clean and improve the smell of kitchens and sickrooms. Native to central and southern Europe and western Asia, it is also now found in temperate regions of North America. Hyssop's minty leaves and flowers can be used sparingly to flavor green salads, chicken soup, liqueurs, lamb stew and poultry stuffing. Hyssop is easy to grow and is rarely bothered by pests or disease. If it is kept clipped, Hyssop makes a good low hedge. Today herbalists continue to recommend the herb for its health benefits.
Lemongrass by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 5.19

Lemongrass by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 5.19

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a perennial grass native to India and tropical Asia. While lemongrass has long been used in folk traditions for its beneficial properties, it is best known for its culinary qualities. Its sweet lemony aroma and zesty flavor with a hint of ginger have made this herb a staple in Asian cuisine as a seasoning in soups and curries, as well as poultry, beef and seafood dishes. It is no surprise that lemongrass?s mild yet vibrant citrusy fragrance and taste have also made the herb a favorite among tea aficionados as both a hot and iced tea, enjoyed alone or as an accompaniment to a spicy meal.
Licorice Root by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Licorice Root by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a perennial herb indigenous to Greece, Italy, Spain, Syria, Iraq and southern China. The root penetrates deeply into the ground and is the part of the herb that contains an abundance of valuable properties. The word Licorice comes from the Greek glykys (sweet) and rhiza (root), meaning sweet root. The root yields a substance known as glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizic acid which is 50 times as sweet as sugar cane. The use of Licorice dates back to ancient times. Archaeologists found great quantities of Licorice stored among the fabulous jewelry and art treasures in the 3000 year-old tomb of King Tut. This was done to enable the departed spirit to prepare a sweet drink called Mai sus in the next world. It is still a favorite beverage among the Egyptians today.
Mullein Leaf by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Mullein Leaf by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a tall, yellow-flowering plant often seen today growing wild in Britain and North America. Mullein is also known as Lady's Foxglove, Velvet Plant, Shepherd's Herb and Old Man's Flannel. It has an interesting history of practical and cosmetic use. Anciently, fresh Mullein stalks were dipped in melted fat, ignited, and carried as flaming tapers in ceremonial processions. The large, soft, hair-covered leaves were used as diapers by some early Indians and the leaves were also stuffed in shoes to keep thinly shod feet warm in the winter. Today, Mullein can be used as a floral rinse to brighten blond hair. The leaves and flowers contain mucilage and are valued for their soothing effects. Mullein is usually made into a tea either by itself or with Sage, Marjoram, or Chamomile. It is enjoyed by many boiled in milk and sweetened with honey.
Nettle Leaf by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Nettle Leaf by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 6.19

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Nettle (Urtica dioica) grows up to four feet tall and has toothed, pointed leaves that sting when touched. The sting causes a burning sensation. This is because each hair consists of a sharp, hollow spine that breaks off easily, allowing the liquid inside, formic acid, to be released into the object causing the injury. In spite of its stinging, Nettles are of considerable use in many ways, including culinary; they contain Vitamins A and C, iron and a variety of other minerals. The young shoots can also be boiled as a vegetable. Nettle fibers can be spun into rope and made into cloth. Cosmetically, Nettle is a good cleanser, especially for oily skin. As a tea, Nettle may be taken hot or cold and many prefer it sweetened and flavored with lemon.
Organic Dandelion Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 9.81

Organic Dandelion Root by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 9.81

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can also be used as an ingredient in root beer. The cleaned, raw roots can also be sliced into salads or cooked and added to other vegetables. The taproot is white on the inside and dark brown on the outside and grows up to six inches long. The plant first appeared in the 10th century journals of Arabian physicians. By the 16th century, the British considered Dandelion a valuable herbal plant and it has held a distinguished place among European herbalists for centuries. When the whole plant is used, Dandelion may work as a natural dye and turn a fabric a deep magenta.
Panax Ginseng by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 10.49

Panax Ginseng by Alvita - 24 Tea Bags
- Price: 10.49

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Panax ginseng has been used for over 3000 years and has, at times, been more prized than gold. Its reputation was so great that it was reserved solely for the use of the Emperor and his household. He would sometimes confer Ginseng upon those who had earned his particular favor. Panax Ginseng is a perennial plant that is also known as Korean Ginseng. Panax derives its name from the Greek word panacea meaning all healing. The species name, ginseng, is Chinese for man plant, in reference to the shape of the root. The roots most resembling the human form are the most in demand. Ginseng is perhaps the most widely recognized plant used in traditional health care.
Parsley by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Parsley by Alvita - 30 Tea Bags
- Price: 7.69

Caffeine Free English Pillow Style Tea Bags That Are Oxygen Bleached, Not Chlorine Treated No Strings, No Staples Vegan Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is best known as a plate garnish whose use is not only decorative, but also works as an after-dinner breath mint to reduce mouth odor. This is due to Chlorophyll, abundant in fresh parsley, which does indeed absorb odors. Parsley is one of the oldest and longest-used herbs known to man. It was described in a Greek herbal written in the third century B.C. and is probably a native of the eastern Mediterranean area, though its exact origin is not known. In ancient Greece, Parsley was placed in wreaths given to winning athletes because the Greeks believed that the god Hercules had chosen Parsley for his garlands. Today, in addition to a garnish, Parsley is used extensively in food preparation to enhance the flavor of meats, fish, fowl, eggs and vegetables.
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