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Bach original flower esscence mixing bottle 1 ea

Bach original flower esscence mixing bottle 1 ea

30 ml Mixing Bottle with 4 labels for multiple use.
Bach original flower esscence rescue remedy natural stress relief liquid 0.35 oz

Bach original flower esscence rescue remedy natural stress relief liquid 0.35 oz

Helps produce positive calming stabilizing effects in a wide range of stressful situations.
Bach original flower esscence rescue remedy natural stress relief liquid 0.7 oz

Bach original flower esscence rescue remedy natural stress relief liquid 0.7 oz

All natural form of healing that can reduce everyday stress and help maintain control of your health.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Impatiens 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Impatiens 20 ml

Helps you deal with slow situation or people with good humor rather than impatience or irritability.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Larch 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Larch 20 ml

Instills a greater sense of self-esteem when you feel inferior fear or lack of confidence.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Mimulus 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Mimulus 20 ml

Brings courage and calm to face that frighten or worry you also aids the shy and timid.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Mustard 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Mustard 20 ml

Brings back joy and cheerfulness when gloom descends for on obvious reason.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Oak 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Oak 20 ml

Allows the naturally storng to take a break rather than struggle on without rest.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Olive 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Olive 20 ml

Restores energy when you are physically and mentally exhausted.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Pine 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Pine 20 ml

Allows you to accept yourself and your actions as they are rather then feel guilty or blame yourself for the mistakes of others.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Red Chestnut 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Red Chestnut 20 ml

Allows you to love without anxitety or fear for the well being of your loved ones.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Rock Rose 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Rock Rose 20 ml

Adds courage and presence of mind in the face of terror or extreme fear.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Rock Water 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Rock Water 20 ml

Helps you to enjoy life's pleasures rather than stick too rigidly to your ideas or personal habits.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Scleranthus 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Scleranthus 20 ml

Allows you to make decisions more easily when you cannot choose between two options.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Star of Bethlehem 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Star of Bethlehem 20 ml

Softens the impact of shock grief or fright.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Sweet Chestnut 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Sweet Chestnut 20 ml

Brings optimism and peace of mind when anguish overwhelms you and you can find on way out.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Vervain 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Vervain 20 ml

Helps you to relax when you are over enthusiastic or strongly driven.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Vine 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Vine 20 ml

Allows you to develop your natural leadership skills without being domineering or inflexible.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Walnut 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Walnut 20 ml

Allows you to make or adapt to major life chnages and to fulfill your amditions free from the influence of other.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Water Violet 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Water Violet 20 ml

Helps you to develop warmer relationships with other when your pride or independence makes you appear aloof.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension White Chestnut 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension White Chestnut 20 ml

Encourages a peaceful and calm mind when thoughts and worries go round and round in your head.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Wild Oat 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Wild Oat 20 ml

Helps you to determine what to do both with your life when you are undecided about which path to take.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Wild Rose 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Wild Rose 20 ml

Helps you feel interest and joy in life when you feel apathetic and resigned to the situation you are in.
Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Willow 20 ml

Bach original flower essences for naturally occurring nervous tension Willow 20 ml

Helps you to forgive past injustices and move on when you feel resentful and bitter.
Bach original flower essences for nervous tension Agrimony 0.7 oz

Bach original flower essences for nervous tension Agrimony 0.7 oz

Helps you communicate your true feelings rather than hide them behind a cheerful face.
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