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Brotapp DM Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid - 8 Oz
Brotapp DM Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid - 8 Oz
Relieves cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation occurring with a cold nasal congestion due to the common cold and hay fever.
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid Formula Unboxed - 4 Oz
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid Formula Unboxed - 4 Oz
Helps to dry up some body fluids to relieve symptoms such as watery eyes and runny nose.
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid Formula Unboxed - 8 Oz
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid Formula Unboxed - 8 Oz
This medication works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction.
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid - 16 Oz
Brotapp Elixir Cold and Cough Liquid - 16 Oz
Used to relieve congestion sneezing and watery eyes due to colds flu or hay fever.
Cold and Cough Liquid By Brotapp DM Elixir - 4 Oz
Cold and Cough Liquid By Brotapp DM Elixir - 4 Oz
May reduce common cold flu and allergies.
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