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4-Star Brand Concentrated Ginseng Extract by Chinese Imports - 1.06oz.
- Price: 24.50
4-Star Brand Concentrated Ginseng Extract by Chinese Imports - 1.06oz.
- Price: 24.50
This is a powerful ginseng extract with a whole ginseng root suspended in the extract bottle - for an energizing addition to tea.
Dragon Balm - Red by Chinese Imports - 19 grams
- Price: 3.00
Dragon Balm - Red by Chinese Imports - 19 grams
- Price: 3.00
This traditional formula from China contains various essential oils including cajeput oil and menthol.
Dragon Balm Red - 19 grams
Dragon Balm Red - 19 grams
Dragon Balm White - 19 grams
Dragon Balm White - 19 grams
Eleuthero Ginseng Extract by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 5.50
Eleuthero Ginseng Extract by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 5.50
Eleuthero Ginseng Extract (aka Siberian Ginseng Extract) is an energy drink and has been a part of the regular training diet of European, Soviet, and Chinese Athletes for many years. Helps build stamina and endurance.
Extractum Astragali - 10 x 10cc
Extractum Astragali - 10 x 10cc
Extractum Astragali by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 5.83
Extractum Astragali by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 5.83
Extractum Astragali is an energy and immune system tonic suitable for long-term use. Regulates digestion, prevents illness, and helps recovery from chronic illness.
Flower Analgesic Ointment - 0.90 oz
Flower Analgesic Ointment - 0.90 oz
Flower Analgesic Ointment by Chinese Imports - 0.9oz.
- Price: 2.50
Flower Analgesic Ointment by Chinese Imports - 0.9oz.
- Price: 2.50
This product has uses for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with sprains, arthritis , simple backche, strain, and bruises.
Ginseng Bee Secretion - 6.6 oz
Ginseng Bee Secretion - 6.6 oz
Ginseng Whole Root by Chinese Imports - 1oz.
- Price: 10.53
Ginseng Whole Root by Chinese Imports - 1oz.
- Price: 10.53
Ginseng strongly tonifies the Lungs and Spleen as well as being a tonic to the rest of the five viscera (organs, including the Heart, Kidneys, and Liver).
Korean Ginseng Powder 8 gm. - 100 caps
Korean Ginseng Powder 8 gm. - 100 caps
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 100 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 100 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 30 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 30 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 50 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3 gm. - 50 bags
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 100 Bags
- Price: 28.50
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 100 Bags
- Price: 28.50
Used as a coffee substitute without getting the side effects from drinking coffee.
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 30 Bags
- Price: 13.37
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 30 Bags
- Price: 13.37
Used as a coffee substitute without getting the side effects from drinking coffee.
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 50 Bags
- Price: 15.95
Korean Ginseng Tea 3gm by Chinese Imports - 50 Bags
- Price: 15.95
Used as a coffee substitute without getting the side effects from drinking coffee.
Korean Red Ginseng Extract - 30 gm
Korean Red Ginseng Extract - 30 gm
Korean Red Ginseng Extract Jar by Chinese Imports - 30 grams
- Price: 44.95
Korean Red Ginseng Extract Jar by Chinese Imports - 30 grams
- Price: 44.95
100% Pure concentrated Korean Ginseng Extract
Ling Chih Royal Jelly - 10 x 10cc
Ling Chih Royal Jelly - 10 x 10cc
Ling Chih Royal Jelly by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 6.35
Ling Chih Royal Jelly by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 6.35
Liquid version of the Reishi (Ling Chih) Mushroom with Royal Jelly in a water and honey base. From the makers of Peking Royal Jelly.
Majiajun Championship Formula - 10 x 10cc
Majiajun Championship Formula - 10 x 10cc
Majiajun Championship Formula - 10 x 20cc
Majiajun Championship Formula - 10 x 20cc
Majiajun Championship Formula 10cc Vials by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 15.00
Majiajun Championship Formula 10cc Vials by Chinese Imports - 10 Vials
- Price: 15.00
Named after the Chinese women's track team coachwho used this formula in training to build stamina, endurance, and strength. This team broke several long-distance track records.
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