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Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos Soy-free Seasoning SauceDelicious, soy-free seasoning sauce made with nutrient-dense coconut 'sap' offering 17 naturally occurring amino acids, paired with mineral-rich sea salt from the Philippine island of Mindanao.When the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a highly nutrient-rich 'sap' from the coconut blossoms. This sap is very low glycemic (GI of only 35), is an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.Small batches ensure that Coconut Secret's organic Coconut Aminos, made from this natural sap, is a raw, enzymatically alive product that never exceeds the temperatures of an average summer day in the tropics.The ",Gran Molucas Sea Salt", used in Coconut Aminos, garners its name from the exotic, tropical island of Mindanao, the second largest island in the Philippines. It is surrounded on all sides by converging Pacific Ocean waters - the Sulu Sea to the west, the Celebes Sea to the south, the the Philippine Sea to the east.A local culinary heritage in Mindanao, this unbleached, unrefined, naturally white sea salt, is fed only by the sun and the sea. It is hand-harvested by local salt producers working as their forefathers did, in their ancestral salt fields.After many days of labor, the salt is then sun-dried (to evaporate excess moisture) in open-air cages lined with clay bricks. The result is a distinctly flavorful and nutritious, mineral-rich, unrefined sea salt.Coconut Aminos vs Soy-based saucesAmong the many nutritional benefits of Coconut Aminos, the most notable is its impressive amino acid content compared to soy-based sauces. Commonly described as the 'building blocks of protein', amino acids are vitally important to human health. They contribute to the repair and rebuilding of muscle tissue, help to enhance overall brain and nervous system function, and assist in boosting the immune system and physical energy levels. Second only to water, protein is one of the most important substances in our bodies, which is why it's nutritionally beneficial to consume a diet that is rich in amino acids.A comparison between coconut tree sap and soy shows that coconut sap contains up to 14 times the amino acid content of soy. Many soy sauces on the market are fermented by first soaking the soybeans in water and salt, and then adding specific cultures of molds, yeasts, and bacteria to help catalyze the fermentation process. Coconut Aminos is made from coconut tree sap, which comes right out of the tree so vital, active and alive with nutrients, that it is only blended with sun dried mineral-rich sea salt and aged, without the need for a fermentation booster or added water. As well, the majority of conventional soy sauces on the market are made with non-organic, genetically modified (GMO) soybeans. Long term used of unfermented soy-related products has led to an increase in soy allergies, a disruption in proper thyroid function, and an overlaod

Coconut Secret Raw Coconut FlourCoconut Secret's raw coconut flour is made in small batches from unheated coconut meat and dried using a proprietary tumbler-dry method. Coconut flour is gluten-free, very low carb, actually lowers the calorie content of food, contains 40% dietary fiber, promotes lipid oxidation (helps burn fat), aids in digestive health, and helps balance blood sugar levels. Unbleached and unrefined. Vegan.Recipe TipsUse for baking, to thicken gravy, or as a supplement to super-boost fiber content in smoothies and any recipe. Coconut flour readily absorbs mousture, so we suggest that you blend with other flours at a ratio of 1/4 cup coconut flour to 3/4 cup alternate flour. A second popular option for those wishing to use 100% coconut flour, is the addition of eggs at a ratio of 4 eggs to 1/2 cup flour. Since coconut flour is gluten-free, eggs act as a gluten substitute in any recipe. It can also be helpful to increase the liquid content in coconut flour recipes by adding an extra 1:1 ratio of liquid per equal amount of flour.Ingredients: Certified organic raw coconut flour

Coconut Secret Coconut NectarWhen the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a naturally sweet, nutrient-rich 'sap' that exudes from the coconut blossoms. This sap has a very low glycemic index score and contains 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.Small batches ensure that Coconut Secret's pure, low glycemic nectar, made from this natural sap, is a raw, enzymatically alive product, minimally evaporated at low temperatures (only to remove excess moisture and allow sap to thicken), never exceeding an average summer day in the tropics. Some agave syrups are hydrolyzed at temps up to 140 degrees F for 36 hours, the end product containing 90% fructose, compared to sap nectar which is only 0.5% glucose, 1.5% fructose, 16% sucrose, and 82% inulin.Recipe TipsThe naturally sweet, mild flavor of Coconut Secret Nectar is an ideal sweetener for use on pancakes, over cereal, in tea, smoothies and all your favorite dessert recipes. Surprisingly or not, it does not have a strong coconut flavor.Ingredients: raw coconut sap grown without chemicals, pesticides or herbicides.Note: Each handmade batch may vary slightly in color, flavor, and glycemic index. Depending on the season and weather conditions, the GI of this product may range plus/minus 5 points, the average being a glycemic index of 35.

Coconut Secret Raw Coconut VinegarWhen the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a nutrient-rich 'sap' from the coconut blossoms. This sap is very low glycemic (GI of only 35), diabetic-friendly, is an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH.Coconut Secret's raw, certified organic vinegar is made from this natural sap, in small batches, and aged from 8 months to 1 year. It is an unheated, enzymatically alive product.Coconut Sap Vinegar vs Apple Cider VinegarCoconut trees are grown in rich volcanic soil, contributing to the sap's high mineral content (especially abundant in potassium - 192mg/tablespoon of fresh sap). , Coconut vinegar nutritionally exceeds other vinegars in its amino acids, vitamin and mineral content, and is an excellent source of FOS (a prebiotic that promotes digestive health).By contrast, apple cider vinegar enthusiasts say it heals a vast array of ailments and prevent chronic diseases of aging, largely because it is chock full of nutrients. However, according to the USDA Nutrient Database, apple cider vinegar has no measurable vitamins A, B, C or E, and the fiber (pectin) and amino acid content is zero.Coconut Vinegar has an alkalizing effect in the body, much the same as apple cider vinegar. Although vinegar is an acidic food, when it is metabolized by the body, it becomes alkaline producing.The naturally occurring organic acids found in coconut sap vinegar provide the body with important minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium. These and other minerals form compounds in the body that convert acid body fluids into alkaline. These are known as alkalizing minerals.Raw apple cider vinegar is touted by many as an alkalizing food that raises pH levels. Well known alternative health experts such as Earl Mindell and Dr. Robert C. Young, hold this point of view.However, Dr. D. C. Jarivs, the physician who popularized apple cider vinegar as a cure-all and health tonic, recommended using it to make the body's pH more acidic. He found that his patients were more alkaline before they became sick, and that making the body more acidic helped prevent illness.Since there is no clear consensus about acid/alkaline nature of vinegar, the best way to know how your own body responds is to regularly test your urine with pH testing strips.Coconut Sap Vinegar vs Coconut Water VinegarThere is a stunning nutritional and palatable difference between coconut vinegar made from the 'sap' of the coconut tree, and others onthe market made from the water of mature coconuts.The sap collected from coconut blossoms before they form into mature coconuts, is universally revered in tropical cultures as the 'lifeblood' of the coconut tree. All of the minerals that aid the coconut tree in its growth and development primarily come from seawater along coastal shores where the majority of coconut trees naturally grow. The 65 abundant minterals in seawater are absorbed by the roo
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