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Organic Intimate Moisture Gel Naked Awaken - 4 oz
Organic Intimate Moisture Gel Naked Awaken - 4 oz
Organic Venus Toner/Moisture Gel - 4 oz
Organic Venus Toner/Moisture Gel - 4 oz
Toner and Moisture Gel Venus by Joi Organics - 4oz.
- Price: 32.95
Toner and Moisture Gel Venus by Joi Organics - 4oz.
- Price: 32.95
Joi Organic Venus Intimate Toner and Moisture Gel stimulates natural lubrication for your delicate skin. For a sensation enhanced experience use Joi Organic's unscented moisture gel. Joi Organic Venus Toner/Moisture Gel is a velvety soft lubricant that tightens surrounding tissue, and "enhances" pleasure and sensation, offering the joi of prolonged lovemaking. Cherish the Body and Health of You and Your Partner! Comfortable luxurious feel. Certified organic botanical ingredients. No parabens or glycol. Water based & non staining. No artificial flavours or scents. Safe with latex condoms & silicon toys. Long lasting glide and lubrication. Utilizing today's technology and certified organic botanicals Joi Organic intimacy has been able to develop a diverse and unique line of intimacy products. Joi Organic natural water based products that are suitable for sexually active people and are safe for pregnant women.
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