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Herbal Supplement for Menopauseuse by Oona - 96 Tablets
- Price: 29.89

Herbal Supplement for Menopauseuse by Oona - 96 Tablets
- Price: 29.89

Oöna is an herbal supplement that naturally promotes a woman's hormone balance without the use of artificial hormones. Oöna's main ingredient, a fine black cohosh extract, is standardized to its key active compounds. This means Oöna maintains a specific potency in each serving. And Oöna adds a chaste tree berry standardized extract to address a broader range of menopausal symptoms, making this formulation truly unique. Oöna combines traditional and modern approaches with black cohosh, a member of the buttercup family that's native to eastern North America, and chaste tree berry, a shrub of the Mediterranean region. Women have used black cohosh for hundreds of years and chaste tree berry since the time of Hippocrates. Embracing the latest technology, Oöna ensures a reliable strength and delicate balance of these herbal extracts while maintaining the quality and integrity of the entire root and berry. Unlike other menopause formulations with many ingredients, Oona for Menopause is strictly two herbs working synergistically together--black cohosh and chaste tree berry. With black cohosh as the basis of the formulation, the added chaste tree berry addresses hormonal imbalances during the second half of the women's cycle. As hormone levels can be erratic throughout the month, Oona tends to address a broader range of symptoms.
PMS 1 Pre-Menstrual Syndrome by Oona - 90 Tablets
- Price: 25.39

PMS 1 Pre-Menstrual Syndrome by Oona - 90 Tablets
- Price: 25.39

Since women can experience either psychological or physiological symptoms, or both types, Oöna Health has developed two different formulations that may be taken separately or together. Oöna PMS1 is taken throughout a woman's cycle and works with her body to help balance production of certain hormones; the correct balance can mitigate the onset of PMS. Bloating Anxiety Mood swings Forgetfulness Mild depression Irritability Breast tenderness Staying within Oona's philosophy of keeping formulations simple, Oöna PMS1 contains two tablets - a daily tablet and an additional "bonus supplement". Each daily tablet consists of a very fine chaste tree berry extract that is standardized to its key active compound. Oona PMS 1 is also formulated for younger women who may not remember to take their herbs throughout the day - so one tablet contains a mighty 275 mg. of chaste tree berry-- all that should be required. (check with your health care professional) Most products on the shelf contain only 60 mg. or less of a lesser quality extract. Since many women forget throughout the day to take the tablet or tincture, this often means they do not get enough chaste tree in their system and later wonder why it didn't work. The daily tablet also contains black cohosh. Neither black cohosh or chaste tree berry contain hormones or hormone-like substances; however the herbs do influence hormonal activity through the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
PMS 2 Menstrual Cramps by Oona - 50 Gelatin Capsules
- Price: 25.39

PMS 2 Menstrual Cramps by Oona - 50 Gelatin Capsules
- Price: 25.39

Since women can experience either psychological or physiological symptoms, or both types, Oöna Health has developed two different formulations that may be taken separately or together. Oöna PMS2 is an herbal supplement formulated more for the physiological symptoms that come on right before menstruation. Oöna PMS2 is taken two to three days before you expect menstrual cramps and ends when the symptoms subside. You do not take PMS2 throughout the month. If you experience some of the following symptoms, Oöna PMS 2 is the right product for you: Menstrual cramps PMS related body aches Heavy bleeding Nausea PMS related back pain PMS related indigestion and gas Oöna PMS2 consists of a proprietary cramp bark extract and a non proprietary ginger extract. Although cramp bark (Viburnum Opulus) has long been a staple for clinical use, the Oöna PMS2 cramp bark extract is unique because it is one of the first to be standardized. There is a patent pending on this extract. In the past, much of the cramp bark sold was in tincture form that uses ethanol or alcohol as its base. These extracts come in strengths like 3:1 or 4:1. They do not address the strength of any active ingredients. The issue has been that women don't really know the strength of each bottle and because of the extraction process they needed to take a lot of the tincture throughout the day. It is very inconvenient.
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