DDS Plus Non-Dairy by UAS Labs - 100 Capsules
- Price: 24.52
UAS Laboratories DDS Plus Non Dairy aids in maintaining a healthy balance of intestinal flora with viable cultures of DDS-Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus, and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) for supplementing diet. DDS Acidophilus Bifidus & FOS is a non-dairy formulation that promotes large and small intestinal health, assists in the digestion of proteins, has anti-fungal activity, and plays a role in candida (yeast) overgrowth, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, cancer prevention, cholesterol levels, lactose intolerance, nutrient assimilation, detoxification, post-antibiotic treatment, constipation and diarrhea control, liver function, B-Vitamin synthesis, bad breath, gas, intestinal disorders, hepatitis, and allergies. 5 billion viable cultures of DDS-L.acidophilus and Bifidus at the time of manufacturing. The major benifits that probiotic product may improve intestinal microbial balance, e.g. May help with digestion of foods and digestive issues. May help to improve immune function Those familiar with the benefits of probiotic often consume yogurt, a long-recognized source of friendly bacteria. Unfortunately, commercial yogurt often lacks the probiotic. Even the commercial yogurt fortified with Lactobacillus acidophilus and sitting on the shelf for several days does not have viable probiotics. For this reason, fresh, homemade yogurt can be a reliable source of probiotic(s). However, it often fails to provide sufficient amounts for its intended purpose. As yogurt and other foods do not supply the needed probiotics, supplementation of probiotics on a daily basis is highly recommended. Probiotic capsules, tables or powder supplying 2 to 5 billion live organisms (CFU) should be taken daily for maintenance digestive issues. All probiotic products are not the same. The name Acidophilus or probiotic does not mean anything unless the probiotic product: Contains the right strain(s) Is viable Remains stable and viable for a long period Has ability to survive in the intestine Produces beneficial effects in the intestine Probiotics products sitting on the shelf (without refrigeration) lose potency first. For this reason, refrigerated, viable probiotic products are recommended Non-dairy probiotic products are recommended by health professionals for persons allergic to dairy products and for persons. Nitrogen-flushed packaging of probiotics enhances the keeping quality of the probiotics. Fortification of probiotics with prebiotic Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) enhances the value of probiotics selectively and enhances their growth in the gut. Combinations of unknown and undesirable bacteria in probiotic products can even be harmful to the human body. Also, combinations of known and friendly bacteria in a disproportionate manner can alter flora balance in the gut. The consumer must read current scientific literature on probiotics products, which are refrigerated, viable and non-dairy, and contain superior strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobac