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VialDock Syringe Guide, Vialdock Syr Guide-Magnifier, (1 EACH)
VialDock Syringe Guide, Vialdock Syr Guide-Magnifier, (1 EACH)
VialDock Syringe Guide, Vialdock Syr Guide-Magnifier
- (1 EACH, 1 EACH) - Designed to easily clamp onto the head of a pharmaceutical vial, giving the patient or healthcare professional the ability to slide a syringe quickly and more safely into a vial membrane. Two open grooves on either side allow the user to hold the syringe easily while extracting medication once the syringe and needle have safely penetrated the vial membrane. Doubles as a magnfier, allowing the user to easily and accurately read the calibrations on a syringe, ensuring that the correct dosage of medication is drawn from the vial every time
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