Wee Bee Raw Honey
Wee Bee Raw Honey Wee Bee Honey is naturally raw honey from a small family-owned and operated apiary. Theirs is an amazing product, so we',ll let them tell you about it: ",It is a well known fact that honey is an extremely healthy food, full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. In order to derive the full health benefits raw honey has to offer, we are packing our honey in it',s RAW form, straight from the hive, as ONLY a beekeeper can supply. That is real raw honey for sure. As beekeepers, we are strongly committed to organic methods of raising bees WITHOUT THE USE OF PESTICIDE. Our honey is NEVER HEATED, FILTERED OR STRAINED. That is why it still contains POLLEN, PROPOLIS and CRUSHED HONEYCOMB. It is not only good for you, it has a delicious flavor, a wonderfully smooth texture and its kosher, too. Simply a great WHOLE FOOD! Our hand-packed process ensures quality, we inspect and guarantee each and every jar.", ",Food scientists from the University of Illinois have discovered that pasteurization and processing destroys almost 100% of the natural antibiotics and live enzymes in honey. We have known this for decades. That is why we take the time and care to supply our honey in its natural state to preserve all the original nutrients and exceptional flavor.", Curious About What You See Under The Lid? ",What you see upon opening the jar is delicious bits and pieces of honeycomb, propolis, and pollen. All of which are naturally occurring and beneficial hive products. We do not filter or strain our honey in order to preserve these in every jar. During natural crystallization they will rise to the top forming a wonderful layer of goodness. There are 22 amino acids in bee pollen and it is recognized as an immune system enhancer for its ability to strengthen the body against viral infections. Propolis is the strongest antibiotic found in nature and has no side effects. So please enjoy what the hardworking bees have to offer!", The color, flavor, texture and crystallization of our honey will differ depending on the nectar source (blossom).